Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Call Tonight!

Hello Ladies,

We will be having our weekly call tonight. Please bring your
questions and email them during the call. We will be talking about
recruiting! 2010 is the year to recruit. With more than a 115 people
in our group, I know we have several that do things differently...and
we want to hear about them.

Remember talk time will be only 30 minutes and then we can discuss for
30 minutes. Believe in yourself as much as I do and watch your team
grow. Building wide is going to maintain your Scentsy career. Anyone
hear me???

Call in information is below:

Find your local time to call in. Not sure what time zone you live in?
Check out www.time.org Number to call in: (218) 339-4300 Access code:
937552 #

5:30PM Alaska time, 6:30PM Pacific Time, 7:30PM Mountain Time, 8:30PM
Central Time, 9:30PM Eastern Time.

Press *6 to mute yourself and *6 to unmute yourself. Talk to you soon!

I have some good things to tell you!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear them there good things and here more about recruits!! :) Super excited!

